CDC has it all wrong


Well-known member
CDC said "vaccinated" people no longer need to wear masks outside, "NON" vaccinated people still need to. They say that around half of the countries population has been vaccinated. From what I see if people that are "non" vaccinated still need to wear masks, I would say 99% of the population must be vaccinated through observation. People just don't give a poop anymore, outdoor functions are seeing record attendance and good for them. So keep up your health orders, your fear mongering now with the new "delta" strain, enough is enough and people just don't give a you know what, and now we are going to really going to be sorry for the economic distruction/shut down as businesses are continuing to close forever, cost of goods continuing to rise, it isn't going to get any better anytime soon and we will never admit how bad of an idea it was. The bubble will pop and I fear its going to be a bad one. For all of those who thought this was a good idea... are you happy with the end result??? what a joke!! :cower:


Well-known member
Another study came out concluding that those who had the virus now have natural immunity and don't need a vacine.....duh! ....the c 19 survivors.....the 99.5%ers... don't ever get mentioned in the vaccination push.

We need free anti body testing sites in the same way we tested for the virus itself. That's the only way to get an accurate count for herd immunity.
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Well-known member
Another study came out concluding that those who had the virus now have natural immunity and don't need a vacine.....duh! ....the c 19 survivors.....the 99.5%ers... don't ever get mentioned in the vaccination push.

We need free anti body testing sites in the same way we tested for the virus itself. That's the only way to get an accurate count for herd immunity.

THIS in Bold - but that won't fit the narrative so it won't happen.


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Well-known member
Wearing masks was the number one thing that really worked in this covid pandemic.

Meanwhile we continued to touch things like groceries, shopping, exchange of cash and coin that was handled by who knows with who knows what, lets not forget all the large gatherings that were guaranteed to cause severe outbreaks like we hadn't seen since it all started that never materialized. And the best part of all... we all but eradicated the flu, we should do this again next year. Keep drinking the kool-aid! :cower:




Well-known member
Went to truck/tractor pull last night and boy was I relieved.... I'm not vaccinated but thank god the rest of the crowd was because nobody...not a single person was wearing a mask and it was PACKED!!! :applouse: