c'est la vie


Staff member
Say good bye to LES in all but the eastern UP.


On the up side. Maybe I can take a sled trip to Thunder Bay!


ICT Sledder

Active member
Wow! Thought I’ve seen some pictures up there within the past week from the Gay sands and High Rock and the lake was almost 100% clear.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Normally I would be pretty pissed off about this right now, but, there is sooooo much snow out dere right now! Lol.


Staff member
How the heck is Superior locked prior to Michigan, weatherman said reverse lake effect in Green Bay today.


Lake Superior is the first line of defense against the arctic cold. So the other Great Lakes do not typically feel the brunt. Plus, being further north, it experiences consistently colder temps. It's actually pretty rare for either lake to be completely froze over, but the western 1/2 of Superior does collect ice!
