chaincase cover bolt spec 08 Renegade


New member
does anyone know the inch pound spec on the chaincase cover for an 08 skidoo Renegde 600 sdi. I know they are pretty sensative. Thanks in advance.


New member
Same Bolts - 89lbf-in
NEW Bolts - 133lbf-in

The Chaincase, when installed from factory, was not tapped. They used slef tapping bolts when they put together. This leaves alot of metal shavings in the threads. If you don't clean them up when you re-intsall bolts, some guys have stripped out the threads. After bolt removal I clean the holes out with a Q-Tip and WD-40. I use a wire bruch and clean up the threads on the bolts. Put a bit of anti-sieze on them when reinstalling. Put them in using a criss-cross pattern, but only tighten alittle bit. Go around and just get the to touch the case cover, then go back around alitlle tighter, then a final where they are torqued to spec.