Change in the sun's surface to bring next climate change

John, I have read that the space and science research center from Orlando Florida has confirmed that the suns surface flows have slowed down dramatically and when this happens the the sunspot counts drop significantly. when the sunspots get 50 or below it means an intense cold climate, globally. they say that next spring this will start but may see even warm temps before the bottom falls out like it did back in a period from 1793 to 1830 which was called the "last great subsistence crisis. Have you heard any of this and do you believe any of this talk? Thanks Todd


I believe there could be something too this, but whether it is fact and the effects will be as said will be true is still up for arguement. Basically it is theory that has no past observations to back it up. Guess we will just have to see. Wish it was going to start in a few months rather than this spring!



New member
I believe what you are talking about here is called Maunder Minimum. You might search for this. As an avid amateur radio operator, I can verify a very low sun spot activity lately.
Ed - ke5spp


New member
Yup, if you look at ...the number of sunspots and solar activity has been very low and from what the scientist at nasa predictied...if the solar activity doesn't begin increasing by mid 2008, then solar cycle 24, which is supposed to peak between 2011-2012, will be a weak one, but not yet below 50. So, this current cycle might be quite weak b/c the sun has been very inactive. Cycle 25 is supposed to be below 50. There were two period, both the maunder and dalton minimum which correlated with extended periods of low solar activity and cold temperatures.
Thanks for reading that article toddspolaris..i posted the link to it a couple of times on the site but it didn't seem like many people read it...we'll have to wait and see what happens! =)


New member
Screams of good LES until the big pond freezes over? and a more southern storm track? Lots of clipper systems?

Ice fishing 7 months out of the year sounds awesome. Not to mention less meltdowns. Bring it on.


Active member
I also read something about this. NASA did research and so did the governemnt scientists. Their findings basically agreed. I guess they actually presented these findings to Congress. The reason being is if what they state is true, they were saying that it could cool enough to cause problems during the prime growing seasons of food which in turn actually could pose a food supply problem. Needless to say, this it was a very interesting read.