Chassell to Hancock Trail 15?


Active member
So it looks like trail #15 stops @ Chassell when riding north. Is that the case or can you ride trail up to Hancock? My guess is you can't and in order to get from point A to B you have to do some lake riding if frozen good. I ask because it would be nice to incorporate a loop to/from the Hancock area but I never hear people talking about that section being part of a trail. Jim
15 is somewhat of a low snow trail. It dead ends in Chassell. But, the Green Light tavern can help you with the ice conditions and a map to get across.


Active member
Generally speaking, is it safe to ride the lake by mid-Jan or do you have to wait until later in the season? Also, ballpark how long of a ride is it?


Used to be a locally marked (with sticks) ditch bang route to get you to painesdale from Chassel. Last time I was there the ice was a no go we took the ditch route to 13. Then you could head north from there if it still gets marked.


New member
We rode from Chessel to Hancock about 10 years ago on the ice when they closed the trail and I think it was about 11 miles. Not to bad though just watch for piers and boat houses.