Christmas Trip


New member

I'm in the process of planning a trip the week of Christmas to the Paulding area. This will be our first trip to the UP in December. Any thoughts on what we can expect for trail conditions or recomendations for a good ride?



Staff member
It's WAY too early to be giving you any insight on conditions beyond what occurs on average. I've never ridden in the area, so I really cannot give you any recommendations for a good ride. I have passed through the region the past 13 years during the Christmas period, and in those years it seems like on average snow depth will be around a foot. Double that in a great and remove just about all of it in a very poor year.

So in an average year, there is enough snow to groom and you should have a great time, but keep watching the site as we head through December to help plan your trip.



Well-known member
Paulding & Watersmeet gets both system snow & LES so south of Paulding is pretty much system snow dependent. Conditions start coming together about Xmas & every inch of LES helps.Could be great could be so-so but if trails spotty ride the FRs very rare FRs can't support riding in Paulding area. I think you will be ok as long as it is cold no rain or 40s but stay tuned Running Bears give honest trail reports from the groomer for that entire area. I ride there all the time & RBs trail reports are right on you can trust them.:)