christmas wreath...


Well-known member
you should start a contest on when you will take down your christmas wreath. LOL.


Staff member
It would probably be easier to just have a contest to see who will be the first to volunteer to wade through 4+ feet of snow (piled at the edges of the shop from sliding off the roof) to get the ladder I need to take it down! LOL.



New member
It would probably be easier to just have a contest to see who will be the first to volunteer to wade through 4+ feet of snow (piled at the edges of the shop from sliding off the roof) to get the ladder I need to take it down! LOL.


At least you have that excuse. (well, that and the health issues, work, and Grace :) ) My neighbor two doors down have a big wreath on the front of their house that they could walk up to and take down. Ditto for the garland wrapped around their porch railings. Maybe they're just making sure they're ready for this Christmas?