Clean them power valves!!


Well-known member
Just a reminder to my boyzz. You should be cleaning your power valves every year. Here is an example of two power valves from my 09 summit 800 with 900 miles on it. I cleaned one and left one alone for the pic to give it the before and after look. If my 2009 sled with 900 miles has valves that look like that. What do yours look like. It makes a huge difference in power. just a reminder!!


New member
Just cleaned mine. I soak them in injection oil to loosen things up and the scrape them with a wooden spatula. Non need for any cleaners. It worked well.


Active member
Would that little bit of gunk really make or break an afternoon of riding a few more times this coming season ?


I found a brass brush on the end of a drill with some carb cleaner works great. The brass is soft enough to not scratch the surface and makes quick work of the buildup.


Techsledder: Its not that difficult. You should clean them every 1000 miles (per a manual). Depending upon your oil brand they gum up resulting in slow response times or limited travel and a loss of engine performance.
You aren't that far away if you want help. I have to take an afternoon here soon to get my sleds ready for the upcoming season (track,skis,grease,power valves,wash & wax). Can't have too many off trail friends! Shoot me a e-mail if your interested.


mikes99sx - A great reminder!!! I also clean mine at the beginning of each season. I put on about 1500+ miles a year and that schedule works fine for me. I cleaned all 3 of my sleds PVs this past Saturday.

I don't want to debate which oil is better for power valves. I use Amsoil Interceptor and it's been working fine for me for years. There's lots of methods and cleaners. I personally use brake cleaner and a razor blade on the tough spots. I recommend wearing some sort of gloves that don't allow the cleaner to penetrate to your hands.

Here's a couple links that may help give direction to the clean up procedure.

Arctic Cats: 1414&id=195515 /


And a few owners manuals:


New member
famousguy, you have magical sleds don't you. Clean every 1000 miles. p.s. do your Hyfax at the same time. winter time, did you really look at them at 8000 and did nothing. NOT! I wonder if some of you guys have a clue that your valves are not working. Change Bellows and gaskets at 3000 miles at least. My trail rider Brother-in-law cannot figure out why my 600 switch wastes has 800 xcsp. You don't need a bunch of after market crap to go faster. dial in and maintain what you got. I know it is so much easier buying crap out of the catalogs while watching your macho trail riding videos than actually learning about and wrenching on your ride.


polarisrider1 i did i inspect my sleds before each season and i had no need to clean the valves. Just to let you know i do know what i am talking about and i have nothing after market on that sled. When i line up against our friend 800 i get him every time if you would like pics of my valves shoot me an email so i can prove you wrong.


New member
famousguy and winter time, what oil do you use. I use Amsoil or the VES Polaris oil. Maybe I need to switch. At 2000 miles I have quite a mess. Varnish and black gunk all over inside the valves. I burn premium gas. I switched to the Amsoil because I have heard so much bad about the Polaris VES oil. I don't mean to come on so strong but I really have a mess, so every 1000 miles I clean.


New member
I use Unimix made by Union 76. Pay less than $3 per quart. I have used this oil for almost 10 years now.

Maybe I am just lucky, but I have checked them many times, and I have no build up on them at all.



I use amsoil interceptor and have since day one my father uses it in his machines too and we never had to clean his powervalves either he has a 2006 switchback a 2004 800 edge touring and a 2002 xc 500 we might just have good luck with power valves too but the were like brand new at the begining of each season. I have a friend that burns the polaris oil and he has had to clean his valves alot. I love amsoil and i dont want to switch to any other oil. we did use polaris oil in our older sleds and we were fouling plugs all the time once we switched to amsoil it solved the problem.


New member
Team Kesslers has done quite a bit of research with oils and powervalve. From cleanest to dirtiest powervalves:

BRP Full Synthetic
BRP Semi-Synthetic
Polaris VES
Amsoil Interceptor
Arctic Cat APV
Citco Sea and Snow

Not all in the same sleds of course and some sleds may have been running a little rich to start so it is not a perfect science, but generally speaking this is what we have found. In a couple weeks we will have pictures to show I would think...

You almost never HAVE to clean your powervalves, but it sure does make a difference when you want to open up the sled and let her rip.
