Cluster Flies


New member
We have the pest control company spray the house for them and it reduces their appearance in the house by 90%. I think it cost $75 to spray the whole house but needs to be done before they arrive.


Well-known member
Yes, I have this done every September then have the window washer follow up on the glass. It works well and agree on the 90% or better success rate. Also works on the Asian Beatles (lady bug imposters). The company I use is out of Florence, but they might head out your way. PM if you want their number. BTW, new sled was delivered and I'm heading up to check it out hopefully this week!


Well-known member
Yes, I have this done every September then have the window washer follow up on the glass. It works well and agree on the 90% or better success rate. Also works on the Asian Beatles (lady bug imposters). The company I use is out of Florence, but they might head out your way. PM if you want their number. BTW, new sled was delivered and I'm heading up to check it out hopefully this week!

Yep if outside sprayed I would need to have windows washed ASAP too. Yesterday may be the last day of cluster files with snow coming this week. I should bomb the inside been along time since I did that. Looks like you can take new sled around the yard on Wednesday. :) Put my trailer in Winter position yesterday so good to go. :)
My dad has the outside of his cabin sprayed each fall, it helps alot. Before spraying he used to lite these smoke bombs off, inside the house. You would come back to the house a few hours later to find millions of dead flies on the floor. It was crazy


Well-known member
My solution to this problem is a little known product from Canada. It's called the Cluster Buster or powder trap and it works wonders. Check it out:
You will not be disappointed. Also, I have no connection to this company, only a happy customer.

I do remember those but wife nixed would not have them in the house. I'm conflicted just stained logs so not receptive to spraying new stain but would like a Spring & Fall solution to these pests. I have stick vac that sucks them up in sun rooms which is ok when I'm here but can be messy when gone for 2 months or more.


New member
I do remember those but wife nixed would not have them in the house. I'm conflicted just stained logs so not receptive to spraying new stain but would like a Spring & Fall solution to these pests. I have stick vac that sucks them up in sun rooms which is ok when I'm here but can be messy when gone for 2 months or more.

The traps I mentioned contain egg shell dust. No poison, no smell, no mess and they last a couple years. It was the only solution my wife would have in our log cabin. Spraying and bombs were not an option with logs, kids and pets.


Well-known member
Yep if outside sprayed I would need to have windows washed ASAP too. Yesterday may be the last day of cluster files with snow coming this week. I should bomb the inside been along time since I did that. Looks like you can take new sled around the yard on Wednesday. :) Put my trailer in Winter position yesterday so good to go. :)

It's too late for spraying outside this year. Where we are this usually takes place in September to early October. Also, I'm not convinced a "bomb" would help much since the flies seem to randomly show up throughout the winter...not all at once. Maybe the bomb would only work for the flies currently flying around the house. I have forgotten to spray a couple of years and that's what I saw during the following winter. Now, I"m on a schedule where it automatically happens.