Clutch Makes A "Tinging" Sound Any Ideas

Doo Dude

New member
Hi all I have a 2009 SkiDoo Adrenaline 800 PTek and the clutch make a really tinny "ting ting ting" sound once in a while when I start it. If I ride it or let it warm up it goes away. The funny thing is it doesn't happen all the time. For example right now I just got back from three days of riding in Twin Lakes, first day it made no noise second morning nothing but afternoon it did it when we left after taking lunch, then evrytime I started it until we left. Now if I go out and start the sled it doesn't do it. The clutch was completely rebuilt last year about this time by Goodwin Performance and only has about 600 miles on it. Any idea what could be causing this??


New member
Rebuilt primary? What about secondary? My primary was making some metallic sounds prior to my rollers going out on the secondary.