Coating a wood table/bar with 2 part resin


I'm looking for some advice. I'm starting to make a table about 3x8 feet or so and would like to cover it with that clear 2 part resin stuff for a neat look. I was going to make a bar type thing but I'll that for the man cave....

In a bit I'll upload a pic of what I'm going to cover. Now with the resin I do believe a small lip would be best to hold a resin in place but not quite sure how to do that. I guess trim would work...

A couple of questions I have for some pro's out there....

-how do I keep the resin on a table that's flat?
-how thick can I pour the resin if I have a trim edge?
-if I don't have a trim edge, how do I make the edge look nice where it's dripped/run off of the sides?

I am looking to make a table out of wood pieces of all colors for peeps to sit at and visit when we have gatherings....I'd like to cover it with the clear stuff to have that neat look.

Thanks and I'll upload a pic from my iphone in a sec.......

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Or like this! How does the epoxy stay on? I know it has to be level but maybe its thick enough to hold.



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New member
Not the answer: But I have the same question!!!
There might be some nice instructional videos on YouTube,.. I was to shy to do mine
at the time and wound up putting coat after coat of varnish (sanding in between) and
turned out nice, but always liked that thick wet look also.
Take some pictures of final product and share with us when finished.
Good Luck!
I did this to a bar top once. As I poured the epoxy and leveled, the instructions said to hold a torch above to draw all bubbles out and speed up the cure. Not sure if this is the type of finish you are using, please make sure vapors are not flammable!

My local paint dealer was a big help with this project.



Active member
I tried to do this several years ago. I screwed something up while mixing the epoxy and it never cured. Talk about a huge letdown. What I had planed to do on the edges was tack on a 1X2 around the edge of the table about 1/2" higher than the top, then I caulked it in so nothing could leak out. I poured the epoxy inside the "form" I had created and waited for it to dry. If it would have dried I would have pulled the form off, cleaned the caulk of the edge of the epoxy, and hoped to have a great table. Be interesting to keep up on your project and see what you end up doing.


I did my bar last year. It is thick enough to self level, you will still have a lot of dripping over the edging. Make sure to put plastic on the floor.
They suggest putting tape over the edging that you don't want cover in the epoxy. You need to fill in any cracks between the wood, you can use wood filler, otherwise the epoxy will seep down in the cracks and you will have low spots. Don't worry you can always add another coating if the first one doesn't turn out well. I ended up with 3 coats. Use a propane torch to take the air bubbles out, it's not the heat that removes bubbles but it is the carbon dioxide. Make sure to buy more than enough epoxy to do the job, you will have time to mix more before it sets up if needed. Can always take back the unused epoxy.

I used hickory tongue and groove flooring for my bar, and it came out very nice.

Good luck.


Thanks a bunch......I am no woodworker by any means and fart around with stuff here and there.

I will take pics as the process goes.




New member
I used this on my bar in 2008 also but I had an edge all around the edge of my bar so it wouldn't leak anywhere. Before putting the two part epoxy on the bar top, I sealed everything with a couple coats of water-based polyurethane.

It is also advised to turn off all ceiling fans in the room where you will be doing this, (a buddy of mine forgot to do this and he had some dust particles land on the wet epoxy, needless to say he had quite the fun time picking that out of the nice and sticky epoxy).

It is an awesome product. Mine looks as good today as it did when it was new.


New member
For the bar top at the bug we used a product called .. poor it on ..Going on 3rd year very little scratches .. And when you need them gone just use a car buffer .. look on You tube .. great vids