

New member
I assume that you do not collaborate with other meteorologists when making your forecasts. At other weather outlets, be it TV, the National Weather Service, or web based forecasting sites that employ several meteorologists, is collaboration common? If two forecasters view an upcoming forecasts differently, will they be required to reach a consensus? Thank you, and I hope I don't come of as nosey (I've asked you several questions over the past months and you've been very accommodating and forthright in your responses.)


Staff member
I am sure that there is collaboration done between forecasters in the differing offices and I know that there is even collaboration done between the different NWS offices.

Exactly how they come to a consensus I do not know, but would imagine seniority or maybe level of expertise in a particular weather situation would play a role.

I do not collaborate. Always been paid for what I though would happen and actually like to avoid other forecasts until mine is out.
