Collect On Bad Gas??... How?????


Well-known member
Anybody ever collect for repairs on any motor..... car, boat, sled or ATV? If so how did you prove bad gas was at fault? I hear the bad gas thing all the time but must confess if I ever bought bad gas it ran fine for me over my lifetime. Bad Gas "Urban Myth" or real deal. If real deal prove it as I'm from MO the "Show Me" state on this one. :rolleyes:

Banjo Man

New member
I've gotten bad gas in my boat from marinas on the Chain O' Lakes in Illinois so a fuel/water
seperator is a must. On my sled, I always fill up at gas stations opposed to bars and marinas.
This way you know the gas is fresh.


Active member
I would think going back and obtaining a sample of the gas. Pay a lab to analize. Then take them to court. This would be a civil matter and calling the cops in does no good. I feel for you. Its one of those gray areas kind of like food poisoning. Hard to prove with out a doubt.

That is a good idea to use a seperator like in a boat. With all of the Ethanol I think you are going to get some level of water in your gas.

Bushes Grilling Style Baked Beans make the sweetest gas.