Collett 900 and a modular helmet


I'm curious to know if anyone has installed a Collett 900 communicator on a modular helmet?

My wife and I have regular full face helmets with 900's installed but I am purchasing a new helmet for my graddaughter and I would like to get her a modular helmet. I have a 900 to install on a new helemt, full face or modular for her. I know that the mic can be routed by drilling the modular helmet but, like a new truck, the last thing I wanna do is start putting holes in it.

Just wondering if someone has done this, and how much work was it AND would you do it again?
Of course any pics would be a plus...

Thanks, Dog
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Well-known member
You need to get one with the DMS microphone. The mic mounts onto the mask via a small hole you punch in it (the mask). No drilling into the helmet required.