Collett Communicators back in biz.....


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Dear COLLETT Customers... Les Collett here...

I sincerely apologize for our absence over the last 8 months. Many things beyond the Collett family's control finally caused our bank to lock our factory doors on March 15, 2011... The main problem COLLETT experienced was due to the fact that over 90% of our production is yearly exported to the United States. As the U.S. Dollar lost value our bank felt that COLLETT's inventory also was equally reduced in value. Even with that being true, the fact still stands that COLLETT never missed a payment or reneged on any part of our financial agreement with our bank. But like with most banks, “quivering in their boots these days” due to the World financial situation, our bank proved no different. Our doors were found locked and a Receiver assigned in March. Once this happened the COLLETT family had no recourse but to try and purchase our 31 year old company from the bank. This was a very long and depressing process which finally came to resolution in late August. Now COLLETT is coming back to the Communication market ...Stronger, 100% debt free and ready to serve our faithful Customers better than ever before. Starting by adding 1 year of product warranty to each COLLETT Communicator that is still under warranty! Our toll free 800 line will be up as of 8AM (CST) Thursday October 6th.

Les Collett