COLTS cheerleader swim suit competiton


New member
no problen mrsrunningbear us woman got to stick together and I believe if they what CHEESECAKE I WANT BEEFCAKE and you got to remember there are alot of woman John Dee memebers also that want there BEEFCAKE now JUSt don't hope BIGFOOT or Loch NEss drops in lol or the GEICO guy :rolleyes:


Well-known member
youse ladies have your "family thread" #13524534663542416774.....LOL.....mayby some of the "studs" that join in will post up some stock photos for youse laydees.


New member
I am so much happier than I was 14 minutes ago. I am a lions fan. we have 3 cheerleaders, and there on antidpressants.