Coming home to

david vaughn

New member
Hello to the board and especially to my former neighbors up Ashland way. I was directed onto this board from a goldwing blog, as I am preparing to retire and move to Ashland. Perhaps as early as next summer.

Currently, we are still in central Arizona (I know, I know, one doesn't move to cold from warm...) searching for places to land. This time next year I'll have 27 years in grade in public safety, can't wait to hang up all my gear!

Question for the Ashland area. My eternal valentine is a native Arizonan and fairly climatized to heat right around 100 degrees (in winter no less); and we were wondering what the day/night temps range in say, January-March. I'm pretty confident I'll have no worries as I have the body of a polar bear.

Any replies to help in our quest for weather knowlege will be warmly received.


- David


And wind chills of an additional subtraction of 20.

But don't worry, March is warmer.... not much, but warmer.


New member
Ashland - by May you might be with-in 40-50 degrees of your Winter AZ temp - LOL
Nice area especially Washburn, Cornucopia & Herbster. Nice and quite!



I'm sure you mean your looking for a "summer" place in Ashland so you'll be able to "retire" to your place in Arizona.........???!!!!! If your bride is considering the move full-time.............hang onto that gal, most want to head south A.S.A.P.
well that outta be just about perfect then DAVE-O.....cause it gets 100 below compared to 100 above and we all know how much......FUN IT IS THAWIN' STUFF OUT EH DAVE-O?????????????? IT AM GONNA BE FUNSKI DUDE.....bonus.....THAW OUT SEASON IS LLLOOOOONNNGGGGGGG UP DARE if ya know what i mean


well, It's gonna be in the low 90's today and for the next few days, 60's at night
well, It's gonna be in the low 90's today and for the next few days, 60's at night

well then have her sit on the freakin cooler all day long at the beach....then take her home to thaw out....what part dont you understand? were all here to help paint a picture if you need one dont ya knows


well then have her sit on the freakin cooler all day long at the beach....then take her home to thaw out....what part dont you understand? were all here to help paint a picture if you need one dont ya knows

are you feeling okay dude, your posts are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there


New member
Okay here's the deal....remember when you used to throw surprise birthday parties for her and she loved it?

Well, listen up here...this is going to make the medicine go down a whole lot easier.

First of all, don't make the move to GOD's country until August 1st, but no later than August 5th...that way you are most likely not to be slipping and sliding around...and that way no gray hair develops prematurely on your thinning hairline.

Now, go buy her a big ole goose down jacket....don't go cheap here...get the one that makes you look like the Michelin man....nice and big and puffy.

Stuff that sucker into a big old box, wrap it up nicely and put a great big red bow on it...wait...make it a white bow...don't want to overwhelm her or she will get suspicious of another woman.

Now when she pulls that thing out...(if it get stuck in the box, just reach over and help her gently pull it out so's you don't rip it right off the get go) and put it on her...then tell her how lovely she looks and it makes her butt look much smaller...and if you did get the biggest jacket you can find, it definitely WILL make her butt look smaller, so it won't be a lie.

Now tell her that this is jist for days that you feel "chilly"....and that it is NOT a winter coat. Are you gettin my drift here....??? These jackets are STANDARD equipment for Michigan's Upper Pennisula....and EVERYBODY has one, as evidenced by those wearing them even in the dead of summer and modeled by the fashionable people who know value and function.

Then when you get to the Yuupee...and August 6th gets around, before she gets out of bed and her feet hit that icebox floor and begin to freeze to the floor grab her slippers and the jacket and hand it to her, and explain that "flu right around the corner" and that you don't want her to catch it this early in the season.

Now run....don't the thermostat, crack that sucker up to "overloaded...not advised" setting. Then RUN....don't walk to the kitchen make a quick cup of scalding instant, no time for the coffee maker...then move quickly back to the bedroom where hopefully she is still yawning and has now donned the jacket and softly lay the tray of coffee on her lap....this is both a stall tactic and a warming apparatus, which allows the furnace to get the air temp up above freezing and you will no longer detect your breath in the air.

As soon as the coffee is done with....ask her nicely what she plans on doing today, and when she says, "well honey, nice of you to ask, I was going to unpack a few more boxes...." interrupt her and say, "hey why don't we head on down to the big metropolis, and visit, shop...well, maybe not really shop but pretend that you are going to go shopping with only two stores...your really can't call it shopping now can you??....or something other than stick around that drafty house while that furnace is building pressure and trying to ward off the frost on the counter know, get her out of the house. The car heats up very fast, and if you jump into your boots and Kromer, sneak out and get that car started...and if it hesitates, remember to pump the gas peddle about a dozen times before trying the second time or you are gong to be screwed.

Now this plan will work well for the first're going to have to think of something else for the other 345 or 350 days of the year....otherwise, your going to be a single retiree....who uses web cast for communications to the wifee...who will hightail it out of the U-PEE, and if you look really really hard with a good set of binoculars, at that jet leaving the airport you will be able to make out your wife's seat and the gesture she will be making as you wave goodbye to her on the way back to that hot box state where nobody but NASH speaks English......

david vaughn

New member
Appreciate the responses, they all help to some extent. I was fairly close to my earlier estimates of the temps so if you don't mind, let's go a bit different direction.

I was reading another thread about road conditions into the UP from another blogger. Where we live, we have monster storms year 'round, with nothing compared to the slow, steady stuff described. About the only body of water near Payson would be some urban ponds roughly 22 acres in size in all. Don't think we can call this "lake effect'' moisture; but I wonder what type of lake effect falls inside Ashland, as that is most likely where we'll be living.

And yes, I do intend to hold on to my eternal valentine, kinda lucked into her 37 years ago.

Thanks again, have a great today.

- David


OK, I can sum up your post thusly...Buy her a warm coat and take her to Fleet Farm!

You are such an incurable romantic!

Iron Ranger

New member
The belt in Wisconsin stretches probably from Port Wing thru Ashland and then up the shore to Ironwood with a vast majority falling from Birch Hill just west of Ironwood on up into the UP. I can't give totals but you can find them somewhere. I have seen many times where they can pick up 20 + inches. You will have plenty of snow.

david vaughn

New member
Boondocker, way too funny and I totally agree with your descriptors! Well, at least all but one...taking the family car for shopping. You see, I have an 1800 Goldwing and the heater doesn't really work that well. But...aaahhh. well...I...uuuhhhh...don't think I'd best be taking her outside after August 5. Nothing personal you understand...

Ironranger, good info, I'll take a gander what you are also describing.

This morning is the first morning since March or early April we've been able to have the doors open at first light. Of course, once the sun really starts to rise, then the doors, windows, curtains are shut up tight, with the a/c cranked to middle January UP temps.

- David