Commin down !!!


New member
I'm lovin the radar right now.A dark blue thick,band, is formed. The Northern Nights Cabin or Au Train, is a good place to see how hard it's snowing.I used to live in Christmas for two years and whever a band very similar to this one would get started i'd leave the house in my jeep and try to find where it was snowing the hardest, park there and just walk. Id end up going home with more snow on my roof than anyone else. He He :)


Active member
I'm lovin the radar right now.A dark blue thick,band, is formed. The Northern Nights Cabin or Au Train, is a good place to see how hard it's snowing.I used to live in Christmas for two years and whever a band very similar to this one would get started i'd leave the house in my jeep and try to find where it was snowing the hardest, park there and just walk. Id end up going home with more snow on my roof than anyone else. He He :)

Getting ready to go out an do a little exploring in the truck. I have an hour to burn before the bears game.


New member
HERE too...All snow lovers should move to the UP!

Man i am lovin it! I cant believe how big and heavy the snow has been coming down Its been snowing here in Ironwood for over 30 hours straight! The National Weather Service said the "advisory" would end at 9:00 am today...not... its just gotten heavier. Just checked it and the advisory is now continued until monday morning.


New member
Same here in SWMI. Got enough with the left over remnants from the last snowfall to put about 8" + down in the farmers field and finally got out to do some testing. Me & my daughter rode about 10-12 miles ( in a field but I'll take it ) testing out the XRS, the Ice ripper XT on the Cat, and the module repair to the XP. Here is what it looked like earlier, man I sure feel better just getting the machines out. LONG overdue.... All I can say is " BRING IT " , I have been clicking on NCN flakes for weeks.