

New member
to the Stachler family on their new arrival, a baby boy!!!! Best of luck and start saving your change for a retro Kitty Cat!


Staff member
Welcome to the world little Jakob! We can't wait to meet you! J, N, & G


New member
Thank you all so much! Such an amazing experience, mom and baby are doing great, Jakob shows us something cool and new every day! Yes, I can't wait to dress him in some Arctic Cat gear and get him on his first sled :)

Can't wait to see you guys!



New member
Just wanted to add that Dave and I recieved awesome news as well, come Jan. we will become Grandparents for the first time!!!!! Been waitng 36 years for this,but glad she waited till she was all grown up! Waiting to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Future is looking good for the next generation of sledders!


New member
Lori that is such great news, we are so happy for your family, very exciting! Next gen sledders looking good! :) We will keep your new arrival in our thoughts and prayers.
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New member
Congrats Stack and Mrs. Stack on the arrive of your little baby boy! You must post pictures!

Lori - congratus to you too on Gma status! WOW!

HERE HERE to the next generation of sledders!!! I was at a family gathering this weekend and my boys were talking to all the rellies about sleds and the folks were lookin' at them like they were talking a foreign language!! They were fielding questions like they were professional riders doing an interview. I loved it!




Well-known member
Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Stack! Welcome to the Wild World of Parenthood! Glad to hear all is well, enjoy when they are young young, cause, well, you'll see.;)-Mezz

PS. Congrats to the Sleeman's, the best part of being a Grandparent is, you can spoil them rotten & then send them back to their parents. Some things do get better with age.:D


New member
Well said Mezz, enjoy them when they're young I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!!!!! YAAAAAHOOOOO I've waited along time for this news, hopefully I'll still be young enough to do all the cool things with the GRAND BABY! I thought for sure it wasn't going to happen or I'd be in NURSING HOME! Keep all of us posted Stach family!


Well-known member
He's a cutie, just curious, what was the length & weight? May your sleepless nights be few & far between.-Mezz