Contruction cam


New member
First off thanks for a GREAT Web site. I stop by daily to lurk and keep up with the "JD Family"

I really enjoy the web cams. Any chance you could turn your web cam to watch the progress of the shop addition for this summer?


It would actually take more than turning the cam, it would take remounting it and perhaps some re-wiring too. The build process will likely only take about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks from start to finish. So with all of that in mind, I don't think I'll go through all that is needed to re-aim it for that short of time, but do plan to cover the process in the journal with good detail.



New member
Me thinks John wants not for us to see his "flipside" on the cam. lol

I know mine have caught me without my hat on a few times, and then folks emailed me the pics of the glare from my bald head!

Good luck on the build John.

<font color="ff0000">-Sc</font><font color="808080">ott</font>