Cookie Monster is no more!


New member
My daughter told me the other day that the Cookie Monster is dead and gone and has been replaced by the Veggie Monster. The Cookie Monster promoted unhealthy foods so they changed his name. Good grief. Don't we have more important things to worrie about?
I believe they are also getting rid of big bird, no joke. They need to relax a little bit, my 14 month old loves sesame street!


I think your daughter was mis-informed. They didn't change his name to veggie monster. I think he does have some fruit and veggies in his diet now rather than just cookies. He is still called cookie monster as far as I know.


New member
The Veggie Monster?? No way. Wonder if its real name is DOLE? As in solmonela poising? Hmmmm.

All those poisoned shredded lettuce in a bag. More people dye from bad veggies than burned cookies!!


Active member
C is still for Cookies, just "SOMETIMES" now! Saw it on the news last year about this time I think. I remember saying the same thing, What the! Are you for real?