copper dog racae


New member
I will be up staying in Houghton and riding Fri and Sat. What effect does the copper dog race have on snowmobilers? Should we be staying south off the bridge or can we still ride up to copper harbor?


Staff member
Little to no effect. No trails are NOT closed. The race only uses certain segments of our trail system at certain times. There are snowmobilers out ahead of the race teams and also behind them to alert any snowmobilers of the race. It is perfectly fine to pass the teams (with care and courtesy of course), the dogs are used to it.

This is the way that it has been done since the start years ago and has worked very well.

The feedback I have gotten from all smowmobilers I have talked to is it is a reason to come up here as it is so cool and not a reason to avoid the area. Just do not try and find lodging in Eagle Harbor Friday night or in Copper Harbor Saturday night! :)

For more info: Copper Dog 150
