Corzine: 'Don't know' where MF Global customers' $1.2B went


"Former MF Global chief executive Jon Corzine apologized "to all those affected" by the brokerage's collapse Thursday as he told a congressional committee he doesn't know what happened to $1.2 billion in missing customer funds."

Dang, it was here just a minute ago....

Let's see, i put it by my car keys, then I went to lunch, got a haircut, car wash...sheet, should be around here somewhere...


dcsnomo...if there was ever a "like" button on the site I would have used it. I saw the article this morning and couldn't believe it. Kind of surprised that his lawyer would let him release a stmt like that.


Well-known member
I have seen CEOs sign off on whatever CFO puts in front of him. Should they know?..Heck yes!! Do any of them go to jail? Very darn few or prisons would be overcrowded after the bank failures & bailouts. Only USA Bank I know for sure that was not overleveraged was /is Northern Trust which is basically a locked box for company


New member
They ( WE the people ) should take everything he has, the board members ect... then throw them in jail.
No presidental pardon either.
F in sick of this....


Well-known member
You know Corzine is another Illinois product. How is he not in jail like Madoff or like Skilling from Enron oops forgot who he friends with and he is inline to take Geithners place.[h=1][/h]


Yeah, do you believe these theives? And to think this guy has held public office for many years. After all the financial fraud we had in the late 90's and early 2000's, you'd think we'd have the white collar crime under control, but apparently not. Better off putting you money in snowmobiles and log homes, at least you get some fun out of it while it depreciates.


New member
This is one time Sharia Law might be good. Give him to the people he screwed along with the rest of his operation who knew anything about it. Big whit collar crime just has not been dealt with well enough. But JMHO.


New member
It's repeated time after time and none of these guy's go to jail ??? I guess I'm just in the wrong profession , a honest hardworking tax payer. It's the good old boys club in our government....


Well-known member
Everyone should just send there money to me to invest, I promise to spen.......errr....... only lose half of it.:D

Put these idiots in the clink until there memory gets better


Well-known member
Only 1 I can remember that was going to do big time was Ken Lay Enron CEO. Not counting Bernie. Then the dude died, had a fatal heart attack days before it was time to report to the pen. His wife was all pissed off said the poor guy was stressed to the max. I'm thinking what about all the people that have to continue on that lost all their retirement money like they are not stressed? Ken Lay was a POS got off easy by passing!