Couple of 09 IQ questions


New member
Just picked up an 09 IQ 600 121" and have a couple questions:

The manual says to install tunnel wear strips before putting studs in the track - Is this required on this model? I cannont find a wear strip that fits in Dennis Kirk web site.

Also need to install my wire harness for a heated shield. What wire should I tap into? (this sled is wired differently than what I am used to).



New member
I have an 09 iq also you can get the strips from polaris and the wire for the heatd shield also I have both done to mine the wire just plugs int and exsisting plug on the harness


New member
I have an HJC heated shield harness that needs to be hardwired - on the Edge sleds, I could tap into the yellow wire right off of the voltage regulator. I cannot find a similar accessory wire on the IQ. Any suggestions?


Goto auto parts store and get a flat 2 wire connecter that looks like the standard flat trailer wire plug but with only 2 wires. Plug that into harness under the hood and extend to where you want it.