I will only say this, I HATE it but I LOVE it more. The minus part is it's a pain to haul around upnorth, when I travel for work, sometimes it leaks, sometimed my sinus are closed and it takes awhile to take care of it. The plus is that I cannot sleep without it! My mouth/throat used to get so dry that that little thing at the back of the throat would get enlarged (freaked me out the first time) and you can hardly swallow. My unit has a humidifier which rocks. I was sleeping alone and now, I look like Darth Vader, but I get to sleep with the wife. She loves is becasue I do not snore at all. You just have to have a routine. We snuggle for awhile, then out go the lights, put on the darth mask, and flip. I sleep much better and feel good in the morning but I still get tired during the day becasue of my shoulders being bad. I flip like a fish at night. I have the mask that covers only the nose. It has worked fine for me. Took awhile to get used to but WORTH IT!