How do you keep theese things out of the enclosed trailer?
I've got a 24 ft. haulmark race car trlr, & this yr it was turned into the "shrew motel"
Theese things got in the ceiling & made there home around the overhead lights.
Then they took over one of the covers, chewed holes thru that, & one made a little love nest inside the windsheild bag on my ' 04 800 rmk. GRRRRRR! I've tried the moth balls, traps, poison, dryer sheets, nothing phases theese buggers (shrews)
I've got a 24 ft. haulmark race car trlr, & this yr it was turned into the "shrew motel"
Theese things got in the ceiling & made there home around the overhead lights.
Then they took over one of the covers, chewed holes thru that, & one made a little love nest inside the windsheild bag on my ' 04 800 rmk. GRRRRRR! I've tried the moth balls, traps, poison, dryer sheets, nothing phases theese buggers (shrews)