Crooked DNR - Part 2


New member
The judge dimissed the case and I got my horns back so the taxidermy guy can now finish. Glad it is all over and now I can relax. I wrote up a little some thing in the first posting so eveyone didn't have to read all the posts again.

Thanks everyone for the support.


Well-known member
I'd buy you a drink if I knew ya!
Way to stand up for yourself.
Now if you can just get the dnr to pay for all your costs including time!


Active member
The judge dimissed the case and I got my horns back so the taxidermy guy can now finish. Glad it is all over and now I can relax. I wrote up a little some thing in the first posting so eveyone didn't have to read all the posts again.

Thanks everyone for the support.

GOOD TO HEAR! But what a headache for you!


New member
I posted a thread about my brother in law being ticketed for killing a lame wild turkey while deer hunting last year. The turkey was flopping around on the ground all beat up. It couldn't even walk/run and had a broken leg and wing. My brother in law walked up wrang it's neck to put it out of it's misery. Left the bird on the ground and a hunter that was illegally hunting called him in. He received and big ticket and there was a possibility that he would loose his hunting rights. Last month he went to court. The DA couldn't believe that he was charged with such a bogus charge. They dismissed the charge but did charge him for the loss of a wild turkey. WI values each wild turkey at $175. They do this to stack fines on other charges like poaching. I think there are alot of us that would put a wild animal down if we came across one lame. Remember that you may have to pay for that animal. I'm glad to hear your episode with the "ALL MIGHTY" went alright.