Current lake ice conditions


New member

I've been reading a few posts about water/flooded areas in the trails, along with your comments on limited freezing and ground frost due to snow depth. Do you have any info on inland lake ice or swamp conditions. Coming your way this weekend and wondering if there are any serious concerns.

Thank you!



New member

I've been reading a few posts about water/flooded areas in the trails, along with your comments on limited freezing and ground frost due to snow depth. Do you have any info on inland lake ice or swamp conditions. Coming your way this weekend and wondering if there are any serious concerns.

Thank you!


I read about a lot of swamp issues in the eastern UP but haven't heard anything about the western UP... I'm interested in hearing what others say.


Staff member
I have not heard of any serious issues. We really only have two trails that can have problems. Lake Linden to Gay and Gay to Lac La Belle. The LL-Gay is closed due to easement issues and I have seen pictures of a sled buried up to the bars in slush that decided to go off trail and sunk it good. That was between the holidays and again, was off trail. So I would not be too concerned about our area.

South of Toivola or anywhere else in the W. UP I do not have info for.



Well-known member
The worst area's I have heard of are on the East end of the Peninsula - Grand Marais. There was a very poorly depicted article recently published saying the UP has the worst snowmobile trails and are to blame for serious injuries & death. This was published by Upper Peninsula Breaking News - Greg Peterson. I don't know if the link will work or not, just rest assured, the Keweenaw does NOT have poor trail conditions. All I can say is, damn - really?-Mezz

Well, I guess that link won't work, try this, the date of the article was Jan 2, 2017. Sorry....

It seems the article has mysteriously disappeared.... Nonetheless, be aware of your surroundings & conditions no matter where you are, on, or off trail. Be safe out there.-Mezz
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