Current Storm as of Thur Night.


Active member
As this current low/storm pushes up from the south, winds are fairly calm over all of the Grt. Lks. area from a E - NE direction. And have been all evening.
I ain't no expert but this seems a little odd for NE winds and LES coming onshore along Superior while this storm is pushing up from the SW.
Looking at the radar it appears as the two are colliding over the UP.
Please help, can you explain ?



The low level winds feeding into the low are from the NE and are what is causing the LES bands to flow into areas like Marquette from the NE.

The upper level flow is from the SW and it is that flow which is transporting the low pressure system and it's precip.

So they aren't really colliding so to speak, because they are at different levels of the atmosphere.
