current thunderstorms


New member
few weeks back talked about thunderstorms over lake superior dying out. well right now about 10 miles off the keweenaw peninsula they dont seem to be dying out but almost getting stronger like you said can happen sometimes. if they storms were little bit further east do you think they would still be this strong its looks like they keep developing. Just it they were moving a little further east we would be getting hit pretty good to.


Staff member
The thunderstorms we have had off and on for the past 5-6 days are the result of a frontal boundary and the lake has not been playing much of a role in their strength or existence. So yes, if they did move east a bit more, they would still be strong. This was actually evidenced by the activity early this morning and also the fact that they have been occurring along the same front, but in areas well away from the lake like MN and the Dakotas.
