mrbb, you pretty nailed my thoughts on this issue... the number is I do it just to have it, instead of driving my traveling billboard down the road with a large trailer behind me, its a 1 ton diesel truck pulling a 24' trailer with sleds and gear probably combined weight of 15,000 - 16,000 lbs and you are too right what happens if I get some buckaroo bonzai that pulls me over. I have been on phone with DOT a couple times and have kind of gotten the same answer along with responses on here but still thinking I "should" just to be safe, if it wasn't my shop truck I wouldn't worry about it, uuugh
BUT here in PA, things go by weight, once your truck/trailer CGWV hit a certain weight, you start to need a different class of driver licence credential
if trailer and truck are RATED over "X" lbs, and your hauling LESS< it STILL does NOT matter, you still need to have certain classification on your drivers license
and this would cause our rules to roll over when traveling into other states, even if other states have different rules!
we would be stuck by PA"s regs on things and fined accordingly
and this is a crazy topic, here too,a s if you ask one DOT worker and then another, most times you will get two totally different answers
pretty much ANY 3/4 ton truck towing anything over 9999 lbs, the added drivers lic upgrade to commercial lic is required here, yet almost NO one does it, DOT and police tend to TARGET trucks that have business advertising on there vehicles and will stop them 100% more often than a like vehicle/trailer with NO advertising on it!
sorry if unneeded info here, but thought I would share the last part at least, due to, I think NOT having numbers displayed will increase your risk of being stopped and hassled, and pending HOW smart or NOT the ?? who is that stops you, you may get a fine (even if not a valid fine)
Cop's are NOT lawyers, its NOT uncommon for one to write a ticket and be WRONG in doing so! yet burden falls on YOU who got it! to prove its wrong!
Just saying!
you can TRY emailing DOT there and asking and then printing out the answer to have on hand if stopped that shows you DON"T need to display numbers
can maybe speed things up and save a hassle later on![/QUOTE]