Dave Proenneke


John have you see Dave Proenneke, Alone in the Wilderness Documentary? It was on PBS the other day and it was pretty cool how he build his log cabin with just hand tools, no power where he was at.


New member
dick proennke i believe was his name but yeah very cool...i read the book also, he lived out there for like 30 years or something...very interesting


I have seen the program and one of my brothers said it reminded him of me a bit (living in the woods, building my own cabin) so he got me the DVD.

Pretty amazing what he did in such a short time and with such limited resources. A true craftsman.



Well-known member
Saw the video on PBS several times, very interesting film, you can't help but get sucked in and watch the whole thing, even if you started out surfing the channels...got me twice...lol,..Being a carpenter myself made it "extra special", also being at the age now (50's) that he was when he started his new life, makes a person feel small. Love that indoor plumbing, don't think I could willingly leave it behind..lol
When we built our place upnorth WI, we lived in a rough looking 1 car garage during our work weekends in the months of Sept, Oct, and Nov. Those living conditions can accelerate the building process.