I have read a lot of threads dealing with mechanical issues and unhappy sled owners lately. I feel for these individuals and do agree that the manufacturers need to get their act together or it will cost them sales and market share. I think that if a break down or warranty issue is handled correctly by the dealer it can make a bad situation a little more tolerable. We own four Polaris sleds and had issues with two this season. I know now is the time to chime in about how Polaris really sucks lately, but I know all manufacturers had and still have issues. The first issue was on our 2007 FST which had a bad speed sensor, my dealer had us back on the trail in two days and was covered under warranty we paid $50 deductible. The second issue was with my 2007 dragon, one cylinder ran lean and burned the top of the piston. This obviously was not a quick fix but my dealer was kind enough to pull a new Rush out of the box and set it up for me to ride while my sled was getting fixed. Again the repair was covered under warranty with the $50 deductible. Am I happy that we had two issues this season, no of course not. Did I miss out on riding this season, not much. My point is if you get service after the sale it makes a world of difference, and I can honestly say that my dealer went the extra mile and took care of their customer. If you are wondering I do business with KM sales in Hancock WI. and they get an A+ rating from me.