Very Nice, this reminds me to start bugging my friend. He shoots a deer for me every year, brings me the hind quarters, loins & straps and I cut it up ( manicure it ) . I haven't hunted since I was 18-19. BUT sure do love cooking & eating it. I also have him shoot 1 for my Dad and I get him the meat or give him some of mine. He is getting older and was actually going out , sitting in his jeep and waiting to plug 1 . At least that is what he told us he was doing, ( $%&#@ ) and I believe every bit of it ! ! ! We get concerned about him, coming back since he is getting up there in years. He actually went out and got a permit & cross bow years ago to continue archery hunting, he couldn't pull the bow back anymore .
He got some kind of slip from his doctor..... Nice buck , I'm kind of waiting for the Moose pictures. we love that more than venison. ( rightfully so )