Dissapointing snow totals and High Pressure??


New member
John, We live smack dab in central Wisconsin and have been a bit dissapointed in the last couple of storms. It seems that the forecast discussion is not involving the High pressure north of us that is both drying systems out and bending the Jet to a more flat west to east scenario when these storms hit the Midwest??? Am I wrong (I am sure I am not all right
) or am I whiny because the forecast gave us good snow totals to start with and then crapped out?? Let me know your thoughts on this. THanks. Still the best forecaster out there!!!! Keep up the good work.



Sorry I missed seeing this one when it came in. I really cannot remember the details to the forecasts you are talking about, but I can say that a surface high pressure would not impact the jetstream. If anything it would be the other way around. The jetstream controls much of what happens at the surface.

It could be possible that more dry air hung on and that kept snow totals down, but I really cannot recall what the issues were. Sorry!

I suppose some of it might have to do with the forecasts themselves and who were making them.
