Divorce Atty ad in Area Conditions


Active member
I think it's pretty funny there's a "Divorce is Difficult, Waiting only makes it worse" in the adsense bar to the right here as I'm looking at area conditions.
So many comments come to mind...(and my disclaimer is that I DO KNOW divorce is not funny...but...)

"I know my wife said no more sledding trips but conditions are so good!!!" (eyes pan over to divorce atty!)

The wife - "I TOLD that sob that he couldn't take any more trips!!! I KNOW he's been here to area conditions!" (Divorce is Difficult, Waiting only makes it worse!....hmmmm)

"He bought ANOTHER snowmobile??? Oh, that's IT!!!" (eyes panning to ad!)

It could go on all day!!



Active member

Spotty like everyone said it would be! I could sometimes get reception out on my drive...sometimes not...spotty.

Problem with the new crackberry style is that it doesn't notify me when I have a v/m...tried different settings but...probably just me. So...didn't realize I had voicemails until I got home. And the reason I didn't got with the EVO shift was I was worried about battery life but the style doesn't seem to be a whole lot better so may upgrade anyway!

Thanks for asking, tho! Guess the divorce atty on the side bar was only funny to me?! that seems to happen a lot! lol
