dmsrx - still with Indycar ?


New member
Local Chicago team team pulled off win this weekend.

My wife's sorority sister's son in law (Jay Howard) just got a ride with Schmidt - Stewart for Indy. pretty cool in our world.

Send me an email and let me know where you are at after the National Guard BS, when you have a chance


Yea that was a good drive by Bourdais and Coyne called the strategy perfect. I was down there working on Robby Gordon's SST trucks. My part time gig since I kinda semi retired after we lost the Guard. Was JR Hildebrand's Chief mechanic at Indy the last 3 years and have a deal lined up this year With Penske on Montoya's car, not as a chief mechanic but a crew member. It will be nice to just get to enjoy it after all the years I was the responsible one.
I talked to Schmidt earlier in the year about the second car and going back full time but they filled the spot from within so I dodged that bullet! Knew they were doing a 3rd car but didn't know who with. Benn talking a little with them. Have some good friends/former mechanics of mine there. Jay should do well with them. he deserves a chance to be in a good car.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, and while I was at Robbys shop I think I found some shocks I can use on the front of my RX1. They might just be big enough to support the front end! Robby Shock.jpg


New member
Ha, I too could have used that shock on my 1998 SRX !!

Thought you might have had something to do with Hilderbrand.

Good luck with Montoya. I understand dodging the bullett.
