DNR: Do some good


Well-known member
Just get out there and ride. Forget the check points, forget the stupid complete stop bs. Get out there and ride and watch how riders respond, or more likely NOT respond.

I put on 53 miles Saturday with my 16 year old daughter, and she knows more about trail Etiquette than half the other riders out there.

If the DNR wants to do some real good, get out there and ride the trails, and stop the stupid. 5 minutes WITHOUT a ticket will do more good than 99% of their feet planted stops.

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New member
Agree - My family and I were at an intersection (me in front, kid behind & wife last) when a group came up behind us. My wife waved them through & they indicated "no - go ahead".

A few hundred yards later we had to stop for another intersection I went through & and looked back to make sure everyone got acrossed. I was amazed to see the group that had just told us to go ahead PASSING my wife & kid while they were in the middle of the road.

Maybe my wife & I interpretted their hand signal wrong, but DO NOT put my family at risk.

I don't care if they ride fast & furious but I would hope that when they see a lady riding a two-up with a kid on the back they use their head for something besides a target.


New member
maybe their entire group was not all there to pass you at the time u told them too!!!!we pass people alot....there sure is alot people that go 15mph and think you should just sit behind them........sad thing is this is all our trails and alot people think its just there trail.....oh ya stop means stop!!!!!!!!!


New member
Agree - My family and I were at an intersection (me in front, kid behind & wife last) when a group came up behind us. My wife waved them through & they indicated "no - go ahead".

A few hundred yards later we had to stop for another intersection I went through & and looked back to make sure everyone got acrossed. I was amazed to see the group that had just told us to go ahead PASSING my wife & kid while they were in the middle of the road.

Maybe my wife & I interpretted their hand signal wrong, but DO NOT put my family at risk.

I don't care if they ride fast & furious but I would hope that when they see a lady riding a two-up with a kid on the back they use their head for something besides a target.

This is a good post, I too travel with many levels of riders, I CONCUR... I do not put the group at risk let alone my family. This should be common sense, common courtesy, to size up the group and act accordingly. I for 1 have the specific group of charcter defects that can go off, especially on dispestectful sledders. I have just enough impatience to chase down that PTR group catch the last sled and tap on his tunnel with my ski, just to let him know I'm game..... In fact a couple of hoople heads cut in front of my budds wife, they couldn't wait their turn going over the bridge .... W-UP , 2 seasons ago, on 28 west , they ended up smashed down the trail. Let that sum up lack of common courtesy. Now you know how I AM. I put up with so many shennagins when training my kids years ago that it still leaves a bad memories. A little respect goes a long way !

Soon to be kicked off this board !


Just get out there and ride. Forget the check points, forget the stupid complete stop bs. Get out there and ride and watch how riders respond, or more likely NOT respond.

I put on 53 miles Saturday with my 16 year old daughter, and she knows more about trail Etiquette than half the other riders out there.

If the DNR wants to do some real good, get out there and ride the trails, and stop the stupid. 5 minutes WITHOUT a ticket will do more good than 99% of their feet planted stops.


good point and I agree with you, where the DNR and authorities often sit are at intersections/road crossings where people are usually "under control" or moving slowly. Like you said get a few miles out of town where some of these idiots are trying to pass their buddy in the corner or other crap like that.

Ride hard but safe as summer is coming sooner then any of us would like to admit.


New member
maybe their entire group was not all there to pass you at the time u told them too!!!!we pass people alot....there sure is alot people that go 15mph and think you should just sit behind them........sad thing is this is all our trails and alot people think its just there trail.....oh ya stop means stop!!!!!!!!!

Ok - I'll have to agree with you. Maybe we interpretted their signal to go ahead wrong and maybe they were waiting for someone else and maybe we were going slower than 95 miles per hour and maybe I think it's my trail. That's a lot to assume, but it still doesn't give anyone the right or privilage to put anyone in danger (especially a lady & two kids) over a few hundred yards of trail.


New member
Problem is, enforcing careless operation is very difficult. DNR and local law enforcement sit at intersections to check registrations and trail permits. They are not looking for those kind of violations. I agree, law enforcement needs to be ON the trails, not just at stop signs. I recommend to people if you see unsafe behavior to report it. If the DNR or local law enforcement get enough complaints about a certain place or stretch of trail, they should target that area for patrol. Same thing for roads. We get complaints, we do extra patrol. Granted, many of these unsafe practices are a "one time" thing, not a constant, but let the officials know anyway. Its this feedback that helps shape patrol priorities. Also, I let dumb****s know that that they are being dumb, in a polite way of course. We need to self police our sport, and use peer pressure on those that have unsafe practices. Police can't be everywhere, and most likely, they won't be anywhere. Professional trail racers need some peer pressure to tone it down. If your gonna putz slow, look behind you and let faster riders by. Stay to the right, no matter what. If we remind each other of these simple rules, we all will ride safer and have less trail conflict.


Well-known member
Problem is, enforcing careless operation is very difficult. DNR and local law enforcement sit at intersections to check registrations and trail permits. They are not looking for those kind of violations. I agree, law enforcement needs to be ON the trails, not just at stop signs. I recommend to people if you see unsafe behavior to report it. If the DNR or local law enforcement get enough complaints about a certain place or stretch of trail, they should target that area for patrol. Same thing for roads. We get complaints, we do extra patrol. Granted, many of these unsafe practices are a "one time" thing, not a constant, but let the officials know anyway. Its this feedback that helps shape patrol priorities. Also, I let dumb****s know that that they are being dumb, in a polite way of course. We need to self police our sport, and use peer pressure on those that have unsafe practices. Police can't be everywhere, and most likely, they won't be anywhere. Professional trail racers need some peer pressure to tone it down. If your gonna putz slow, look behind you and let faster riders by. Stay to the right, no matter what. If we remind each other of these simple rules, we all will ride safer and have less trail conflict.

Two thumbs up!


Problem is, enforcing careless operation is very difficult. DNR and local law enforcement sit at intersections to check registrations and trail permits. They are not looking for those kind of violations. I agree, law enforcement needs to be ON the trails, not just at stop signs. I recommend to people if you see unsafe behavior to report it. If the DNR or local law enforcement get enough complaints about a certain place or stretch of trail, they should target that area for patrol. Same thing for roads. We get complaints, we do extra patrol. Granted, many of these unsafe practices are a "one time" thing, not a constant, but let the officials know anyway. Its this feedback that helps shape patrol priorities. Also, I let dumb****s know that that they are being dumb, in a polite way of course. We need to self police our sport, and use peer pressure on those that have unsafe practices. Police can't be everywhere, and most likely, they won't be anywhere. Professional trail racers need some peer pressure to tone it down. If your gonna putz slow, look behind you and let faster riders by. Stay to the right, no matter what. If we remind each other of these simple rules, we all will ride safer and have less trail conflict.

As a former LEO...the only way to get the attention of some of these 'Professional Trail Racers', is to be proactive. These riders are everywhere not just certain sections. Sometimes it takes agressive action and the loss of a few dollars in the form of tickets for 'unsafe operation' to get thier attention. Word would spread fast at local stops for gas, food or at the bars when and if DNR would take an agressive approach... IMO
