Dominate Band


I read your 1-4 forecast and was wondering what day, or when you will know for sure, if that LES band becomes a dominate one??? Or will you let us know in your daily forecast's? Thanks.



Staff member
It's almost impossible to have a high degree of confidence in a dominate band setting up.

I have seen situations occur where there is no way it should not be happening, but is just is not. I have also seen situations where conditions are only marginally favorable for it to occur and it does.

So it is just one of those things that you look for the possibility of it to occur and then just wait to see if it occurs.

So if on Thursday morning, my front of house shot shows only snow and no house. It's happening. :)

Good catch, read it in the forecast and didn't even realize it. I'm wishing for this band to become "Dominant" and drop the POW!