Doppler Radar System..


New member
John,What would it take to get a decent Radar System up on a nice sized hill in the U.P. to get a better picture of things? You know..Cost,Politics etc.


Active member
<font color="0000ff">illinois:
… up on a nice sized hill in the U.P."</font>
Like Mt. Horace Greeley (elevation 1500 ft.), for example? What better place could there be?


I really do not know how much a WSR88D is, but would venture to guess in the 100's of thousands. I did hear that there are smaller and less powerful ones you can get for around 10K, but I do not have that laying around at the moment.

The stumbiling blocks for the NWS to put one up here is cost and to some extent politics.

Mt. Horace Greely would be a perfect locale as it is the site of an old Air Force early warning radar base. Plenty of infrastructure still there to support it.



New member
Too bad the folks in your neck of the woods could not start a "Radar Fund" or something of the sorts and get one installed? Even a good used Radar would suffice,no?

I just think it would be nice for you folks in the upper part of the U.P. To be able to get a good look at what is brewing in your area