DriveShaft Bearing Placement, Lock Collar before or after assembly?


Looking for a second opinion on my 97 Powder Extreme.

The Clymer Manual states to mount the driveshaft bearing flush with the end of the shaft(speedo side). Then secure the eccentric locking collar while the shaft is on the bench. When I dry fit my new drive shaft, this appears to create a slight spreading force on the tunnel.

Is this the correct procedure? I know the Clymer manual can be "more of a guideline, actually, than a rule" sometimes. Thanks & Merry Christmas!


New member
i just replaced the one on my 03 Z. The shaft has a slight bevel on it, and the bearing lined up at the bevel not the end of the shaft. ( only about a 1/32" diff. I was also told that before you tighten the bolts all the way it is a good idea to rotate the shaft to help align and center the shaft.