Dunbar/Goodman Trails

Wanting to come up next Thurs. thru Mon. Wonding, IF there is a base and IF there is any Snow expected Thurs. thru Sunday this weekend to make trails ridable for Next weekend. Anybody in this area , I would like a accurate idea of how the trails are now and how they might be IF you get more snow , understanding Mother Nature might change and might have other plans..


The snow cover map only shows 4-6" there now, I would think they would need a minimum of 8" more before I would consider riding that area. You will need to watch the snowfall over the next week to even have an idea. Nobody ( Not even John) can with 100% accuracy tell you at will happen in the next 7 days.


New member
Why don't you check the Dun-Good Riders Face Book page, "Dun-Good Riders Inc." They post pictures from the groomer and their trails, like everyone else, could use more snow. But they aren't bad. They're grooming on their regular schedule. Lots of sleds out riding their trails all this week. The pictures they post are from the groomer, taken by a groomer driver, out onto the trail, not right near the road crossings. Might not be perfect but they ain't bad. We'll be riding there this week end. All of the Marinette County trail reports can be found in 1 place, on their Alliance web site, marinettecosnowtrails.com Looks like anything south of Hwy C should be avoided.
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Active member
Why don't you check the Dun-Good Riders Face Book page, "Dun-Good Riders Inc." They post pictures from the groomer and their trails, like everyone else, could use more snow. But they aren't bad. They're grooming on their regular schedule. Lots of sleds out riding their trails all this week. The pictures they post are from the groomer, taken by a groomer driver, out onto the trail, not right near the road crossings. Might not be perfect but they ain't bad. We'll be riding there this week end.

The problem with facebook is some of us can't log into facebook and alot of the club pages you need to log on to access their page. Not to mention needing to know the club name of where your looking for info on.
Thanks so much for the info. Heard there are going snow today, can only help!!!! I will ck. those sites. Keep the reports coming as I appreciate any reports!!!!!!


New member
That's a good point about Face Book. I'm not sure if you need to log in to see their page. When we're at home and not at the cabin, we follow on Face Book and it helps plan. Their web site gives trial info too. But I know everyone enjoys his pictures (we do too) so that's fine whatever works for you. The more info the better...usually.


New member
I'm a little North of Goodman and we got about 2" - 3" overnight and this morning but then it rained all afternoon knocking all of that down to about 1". Where I'm at we are sitting with about 3" - 4" total on the ground at best, I can't believe people are riding on this stuff. I can see grass sticking up through the snow in my yard. Not good.
Dunbar trails

I'm a little North of Goodman and we got about 2" - 3" overnight and this morning but then it rained all afternoon knocking all of that down to about 1". Where I'm at we are sitting with about 3" - 4" total on the ground at best, I can't believe people are riding on this stuff. I can see grass sticking up through the snow in my yard. Not good.

Still would LIKE to know how trails are as I am looking to come up Thursday thru Monday!! Will I be using replacing carbides arnd hyfaxes?