E Cigs

Has anyone on here tried any of the ecigs and if yes, which one do you recommend? I've tried the patch, gum, lozenges and none of them worked. The only thing that did work for me was using Zyban and the Nicitrol Inhaler but that was years ago and I had health insurance which paid for the generic form of Zyban, Welbutrin. I need to quit cause I can't afford it anymore!!

Any help is appreciated.



New member
If your looking to quit!!here is what i did 4 almost 5 years ago......Chantix!!!IT WORKS.....plan and simple easy as pie...just have to have a desire to stop....walk right away from them....I promise you its EASY!!!!see your doc.....


Active member
WOW is the clock on the server off or what? I poster this message at 5:27pm CST not 10:27EST.
The header in your message says your message posted Today, 03:34 PM (which for me is MST) or therefor 05:34 CST.
Close enuf?

Did you ever set your time zone on this forum?
I don't want to sound dumb or naive, but when I couldn't afford new rims I didn't buy them, when I couldn't afford to eat steak every night I ate chicken. I know this isn't comparing the same things, but if you truly can't afford it then you can't support the habit.

The people I knew who quit successfully just stopped and said enough is enough, I'm not relying on a patch, pill, whatever, I'm just done.

On another note, best of luck with your habit, it's a bad one to kick for sure.
I don't want to sound dumb or naive, but when I couldn't afford new rims I didn't buy them, when I couldn't afford to eat steak every night I ate chicken. I know this isn't comparing the same things, but if you truly can't afford it then you can't support the habit.

The people I knew who quit successfully just stopped and said enough is enough, I'm not relying on a patch, pill, whatever, I'm just done.

On another note, best of luck with your habit, it's a bad one to kick for sure.

Thanks for wishing me luck and thank you for realizing that you aren't comparing the same things. Heck your not even comparing apples to oranges. It's more like comparing apples to an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico!!! Rims aren't a physical/mental addiction. Steak to chicken isn't a physical/mental addiction. This is hardcore stuff I'm talking about. You may be addicted to adrenaline but I highly doubt it.

Thanks again for the well wishes and your friends that quit on their own without any type of crutch, good for them. They must be stronger than I am.



New member
Thanks for wishing me luck and thank you for realizing that you aren't comparing the same things. Heck your not even comparing apples to oranges. It's more like comparing apples to an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico!!! Rims aren't a physical/mental addiction. Steak to chicken isn't a physical/mental addiction. This is hardcore stuff I'm talking about. You may be addicted to adrenaline but I highly doubt it.

Thanks again for the well wishes and your friends that quit on their own without any type of crutch, good for them. They must be stronger than I am.


if your serious...chantix works and you don't even need to buy new car rims....
I don't believe you aren't as smart as them and besides they have way bigger demons then smoking. I think its great that you want to quit, but it has been my belief that people who use something to quit always use that, almost like a crutch. I've spent days not being able to move after quitting some things and I never used the fake stuff, in the end you remember how that was and you won't want to do it again. I think that you are about to save a ton of money on quitting and you'll feel better after you do.


New member
Another vote for Chantix

I quit over two years ago, have not relapsed once, no more smoke stops on the sled, and Wisconsin now has a no smokin law so even better!


New member
A friend of mine dropped her E Cig. while at a biker function of about 30,000 bikers this past saturday and she went into a frenzy in search of it. Tell me they're not addictive. It was safer in the ally watching two Clubs (gangs actually) beat the snot out of each other than to get in her way. NOT GOOD. She spent the rest of the day bumming cigs off total strangers.