Eagle River/Three Lakee Trail

The guy that is developing Clearwater Lake between Eagle River and Three Lakes is a complete tool. He has already closed 2 sections of trail that go across his land and is threatening to close the main trail between ER and 3 Lakes. He must presume that people interested in buying in Clearwater Lake do not snowmobile. Why go to the northwoods if you don't? He apparently did a bunch of development work and shoreline work without permits and got a big fine. Now he is black mailing the DNR and all local businesses by threatening to close to main trail unless the fine is dropped. This guy has invested a lot of money in this development and I bet its not selling very well. I never wish bad luck on anyone but I hope this guy goes bankrupt. Go to his website and leave him a love note. www.clearwaterlakewi.com I understand its his property and he can do with it what he pleases but to threaten closure unless a well deserved fine is dropped is BS.

Below is a blurb from the Vilas County News web site.

Developers threaten to close trail unless $158,000 fine is dropped
By Ken Anderson
News Correspondent

The state-funded snowmobile trail between Eagle River and Three Lakes could be cut off at the Vilas and Oneida county line unless a $158,000 fine imposed on the developers of a 900-acre property around Clearwater Lake is dropped.
The Vilas County Forestry and Land Committee was informed about the possible trail closure last week.
“Vilas County has an interest, since it’s a state-funded snowmobile trail, and they have


Active member
Just received our Vilas Cty News paper and will have to see if the article is in there. This is just unbelievable, he does an illegal act and then blackmails others over it, unreal...
For their website...

Excellent Location
The lake is located a mere 5 miles from Eagle River. So while you will live on a lake so pristine that it feels like you are in the middle of Canada, you will only be 5 minutes away from the grocery stores, hardware stores, and a bunch of wonderful restaurants. The Eagle River area has also been selected by Where To Retire magazine as one of America's top retirement locations. In addition to being a great place to retire, Eagle River and Three Lakes offer fine dining and numerous small shops. In the winter months, a network of over 500 miles of groomed trails make this area the Snowmobile Capital of the World.

What an idiot


New member
Before we call the land owner an idiot. Maybe he has a right to hold the WI DNR to a standoff. They are for sure idiots in my book and my dealings with them. Who knows what they fined him for on his own property.

Maybe you should be calling the DNR the idiots and not the land owner.


New member
I'm going to second Banks93 on this one. I've been involved in plenty of DNR / Developer issues and they go both ways, so before putting all the blame on the Developer someone should do some research into what the fine is for. The guy might have a valid argument and closing the trail is his only way of recourse against the DNR.
still a tool

I will reaffirm my comment that he is a tool. In my original post, you will note that he already closed 2 sections of the trail long before he had any zoning/DNR issues. Granted one of the sections went through where the golf course is (understandable) but the second section runs right up the side of highway 45, no more than 15 feet off the highway on what looks like an old abandoned RR bed. Even though he owns all the way to the highway, his development doesn't really start until a few hundred yards off Highway 45. There is no way this trail negatively impacted anything to do with his development.

The trail he is now taking about closing is the MAIN trail going between Eagle River and Three Lakes. I also take this trail to get into Sugar Camp ands Rhinelander.

I believe he went to court on this fine and the judge decided to fine was appropriate. I will try to find the article on the fine.


New member
It is the guys land to do with what he wants to do with it. He pays the taxes and mortgage bill on it. That doesn't make the guy a tool. Welcome to WI trail marking in the lower counties. People close trails all the time because of land switching hands. It does suck.

Heck I wish I could take my family back in time right now and live in the 60's, 70's and 80's when life was good. People still had family farms, family values and the Government did not try and run every part of a person's life.


New member
Not from Chicago

The speculation that this guy is from Chicago is incorrect. This guy is a realtor from Neshkoro which is in central wisconsin. Don't get too excited, word around here is that he is trying to sell off everything cuz he is having trouble paying his bills.


Active member
If this guy has such a nasty attitude about snowmobile trails, I hope he loses his "corporeal sitting-down apparatus" on the real estate/development deal!


Active member
Several years ago, I was told that there are no private lakes in Wisconsin (there has to be some sort of public access). I take it this is not a fact?


Well-known member
I do not know about owning a lake but it sounds like he owns all the land around the lake so there is no access. So if you own all the land there is no way for someone to legally fish it. Looks like a fly in to go fishing in Wisconsin. It does sound like a nice place has to be expensive for the monthly fees.


Gonna be a hard sell in this economy...hope he has deep pockets...Thought this was kinda funny...in the FAQ..

Q: How far do I have to go to get the state snowmobile trail?
A: The state snowmobile trail crosses the common area on the far western side of the club property. You will have access to hundreds of miles of trails from that point.


New member
Hey guys-

I run the website for the development and I noticed the traffic coming from this site (have to say, I'm impressed at any hobby community that can get this much traffic during the off-season...reason number 576,208 the internet is awesome) so I came to check it out. Eagle River Mike's first post had some inaccuracies so I thought I'd address them and some of the other points made on this thread, since I actually have some knowledge of the whole situation and not just the press releases. I don't want to make this into a chest-thumping contest, but I did want to give a little more of the story for whatever that's worth.

ERM said: "He has already closed 2 sections of trail that go across his land"
This is sort of true, but the context should be known. Trail 1 that was "closed" went directly through the lots and only went from the main trail to Weasels. This trail was temporarily re-routed to along HWY 45 because the owner of Weasel's claimed he needed more than a year to find an alternate route. The new trail (closure #2 according to ERM) ran along the edge of the property for a year before being "closed" and moved to the other side of HWY 45 (also land owned by the developer) where it currently resides and there is no intention of it being closed. This temporary access to Weasel's was moved to the other side of the road because it ran within 20 feet of neighboring houses and by moving it to the property on the other side of HWY 45 it kept the trail much further from any homes.

ERM said: "He apparently did a bunch of development work and shoreline work without permits and got a big fine. Now he is black mailing the DNR and all local businesses by threatening to close to main trail unless the fine is dropped."

The real story here is a bit more complicated (go figure). There was no environmental damage done and an environmental firm was hired and paid big bucks to do all the permitting. That company is partners with the DNR in many projects around the state of WI (although now under a different name..hmm, wonder why?). The DNR was offered the trail for free in 2008 and turned it down by saying it had no value to the state and the only ones that would benefit from the trail would be the developers. In 2007 the Three Eagle bike trail was also offered for free to the state in the form of a 100 year easement. The state took the developer up on that offer and then proceeded with actions to collect money based on paper violations since they were unable to find any environmental damage.

ERM said: "Below is a blurb from the Vilas County News web site."

If you believe everything in the paper is true, there's some ocean front property in Arizona I'd like to sell you. I know for a fact that the developers were never contacted about the story and have heard rumors that there may be other reasons for their story almost matching the dnr company line word for word.

Other Points:
Dragon is right, the developer is not from Chicago. He's a farmer from central WI.

to frnash - The developer is not anti-snowmobile in any way. Like I stated earlier, the trail was offered to the state for free in 2008 and the State of Wisconsin claimed it had no value to them (and continues to do so to this day). The local snowmobile clubs were notified at this point that the trail would eventually have to be shifted in some parts because of it's proximity to future home sites. Their response was (I'm paraphrasing here) that they relied on the DNR for money and would not do anything (even write a letter) that would upset the DNR. The local Three Lakes trail that runs to weasels runs through the developers property on the other side of HWY 45 and is not near any homes. There are no plans to shut down this local trail and access across that property has been offered to the local trails.

harvest1121 had it right about the private lake. Technically all water is public, but you need access to get to the water. The lake has no public access (which is the real reason the DNR went after paperwork violations). The monthly fees are capped at $42.

peter - the boating hrs are for every day. Friday is the only day that the boating goes til dusk, otherwise it ends a few hrs before sunset. There are thousands of lakes for boating in Northern Wisconsin, this lake just has quiet time in the afternoon so people who would rather enjoy the quiet tranquility offered by the Northwoods can enjoy the water without having to hear the while of boat engines all day.

I will leave you guys be now, but thought some of you would be interested in knowing that there is a little more to the story than the press releases offered by the state that the local "journalists" have elected to keep out of the press for one reason or another. I'm sure this information won't mean much to some of you, but I'm also sure that if someone just went out of their way to screw you over you wouldn't continue to give them stuff for free either. Just something to consider.


New member
Seems about par with my dealings with the WI DNR.

I could see how a guy might get mad if he can't get to Weasels. : )