about 235 ER>phelps> iron river>crystal falls>sagola>gwinn>chatham>muni/wetmore. about 8 hr ride at a sane pace. done this route several times, normally good trails and low traffic. plenty of gas until gwinn, then not until wetmore. should be good-to-go filling in CF and gwinn. spur trail to town/gas in CF is not well marked. it's after crossing highway 141? trail turns right then hard left, look right. pay attention you'll see it
like rage said....1st spur trail to the right after crossing along the road..there is a small gas sign posted, then just follow 1/4 mi down the back roads, look to the right.....
there is also a BP station in Sagola, but have to watch for small unmarked trail, along hwy 95, to the left