

New member
Hi John,

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Question for you. Years ago I followed a link on your site to George Hite's Eagleharborweb.net. I know he did not run the snowfall contest last year. But I noticed that his site has not been updated since last march. Are you aware of the status of George Hite and his site?

I always enjoyed his writings about life in Eagle Harbor and the Keweenaw.


I don't know what has happened with George. I know that he started to slow down his web updates and was spending a lot of the warm months on his boat, but I do not know if he has just stopped updating the website or perhaps even moved out of the area.

Sorry, wish I had a better answer for you.



I was wondering the same thing. He usually is back from spending the summer on his boat by now. He did not have the snowfall contest last year either. Hope all is well with him, I really enjoy his writings.
I did notice a couple of facebook postings from George over the past few days. So my guess is that he's back on dry land....as for why no updates, as John could probably relate, the motivation to write and post and update and maintain a site like George's surely ebbs and flows....hopefully he will update again soon, the return of Winter usually jump starts his posting!