Eau Claire and Trempeleau Counties 02-25-17

40th RTX

Rode from Big falls down to Brackett and stopped for the Antique Snowmobile Show. Trails were amazing. Over a foot of fresh powder. Then down into Trempeleau County through Strum then south to Pleasantville. The area around Pleasantville is one of the prettiest rides on the planet! Great snow too! Then up to Osseo for gas. Then back to Strum, Brackett, Fall Creek and back to Big Falls. 136 miles in all. Trails were getting pretty beat up by evening from the sun, sleds and the fact that the ground wasn't frozen in many spots before the foot of snow on Thursday. Lots of open water and mud (no biggie, I'll just have to scrub the sleds down). All in all it was a great time, mostly cuz I got to ride with my son!
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