El-Ninio for 2014


New member

I here that there is a pretty good chance for a strong El-Nino forming in the pacific for 2014, dare to make any long-long forecast on how this may effect our 2014 / 2015 winter.

Looking at snow checking a new sled but may have second thoughts............LoL



Staff member
I don't feel comfortable making any predictions for next winter this far out. I can say that it has been around 4 1/2 years since the last El Nino occurred, so we are overdue. I can also say that an El Nino also does not guarantee a poor winter in the Midwest, but does stack the deck in favor of it.


How do you think the building El Nino will affect our area North of the bridge for spring/summer? hopefully not cooler and wetter. at this point with this snow /ice pack looks like we are in for a VERY wet spring


John L

P.S. Hope the back is feeling better.


Staff member

How do you think the building El Nino will affect our area North of the bridge for spring/summer? hopefully not cooler and wetter. at this point with this snow /ice pack looks like we are in for a VERY wet spring


John L

P.S. Hope the back is feeling better.

Hi John

At this point, the El Nino is not suppose to develop until possibly late summer or more towards autumn. In either case, there is really no strong correlation between El Nino and summer weather in the Keweenaw.



Staff member
Forgot to mention this yesterday, but just last summer, El Nino pulled a head fake. It was looking more and more like it was going to happen and then at the last minute, it backed off.

So these things really are hard to predict.



Heres a question about all this El Nino, if this not El Nino, are we in a La Nino? Or is this a No Nino winter?


Staff member
Heres a question about all this El Nino, if this not El Nino, are we in a La Nino? Or is this a No Nino winter?

If there is no El Nino or La Nina going on, then it is called ENSO Neutral. This winter we were ENSO Neutral.



Active member
Well what ever it is I like it and would like to put my order in for another one for next season but just 15-20 degrees warmer thanks
