el nino


New member
hate to bring it up seeing that i am not done with winter yet but what is the norm for el nino summers?ie - motorcycle weather


Active member
Say it aint so John. Please say it aint so! The guys and I are getting together to talk about canceling our trip up north on the 20th. Hope we don't have to.


Staff member

Really not much of a strong correlation between El Nino and summer weather. Sometimes it can lead to cooler summers, but not always.



Staff member
It looks to have weakened a bit. Matured really, with the core of the above average SST's concentrating in the central Pacific.

It is currently at a weak status and pretty much has been since it's onset this time around.



Staff member
Actually, I think it is related to El Nino, just not sure what made it decide to appear all of the sudden when it was hiding for Dec and early Jan.

Actually, I think it is related to El Nino, just not sure what made it decide to appear all of the sudden when it was hiding for Dec and early Jan.


Is it common to have a unsettled atmosphere when the Jet Streams dips back sown to where it should be? I guess what I"m asking is when it drops down to allow the cold air back in will we see lake effect? I would think the jet stream moving would cause some storms to come with it.


Staff member
Anything can happen once the jet stream decides to drop back south. It can come down in a way that supports storms, or it can come down in a way that just brings cold, dry and stable air with no storms.

We'll just have to wait and see.



New member
Snow monkey was watching a presentation on el nino and it was quoted this years patterns are very similar to other models over the past few years. They claim this has been truly one of the top 10 to 15 coldest el nino winters on record! There were a number of sources including some in europe that came to these conclusions also predicting an extremely cold February. They also took note of the steep rise in temps the last few days and that a sharp drop is right around the corner.