Electrical Issue


New member
I was out on my wife's sled (2010 Polaris IQ LX with electric start) making sure all was good. I took a couple laps around the yard and the lights started to dim, the gauge panel flashed and went dark, and the sled started to bog down. The sled died and I was able to get it restarted and limp it back to the garage.
First thought was the battery since it was the original and I have heard that they are only typically good for a couple years. I replaced the battery and took it back out and the same results.
I am looking for ideas since Saturday is my wifes birthday and her one request was to go out riding for the day. If I have any hopes of getting away for a couple days with the guys later in the season I need to make this happen.
Anybody have any thoughts what this could be?


New member
Make real sure the ground cable is secure and that it is making a good ground. Be sure you have all the wires connected to the battery that need to be there. (did you miss one??)

I am guessing this is what the problem is.....

Then pull some of the quick connections apart and look for corrosion....clean and reconnect.

Also then look for shorts....mouse got in there? Rubbing wires on sharp edges?
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